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Halterworth Primary School


Our Governors

Please find below details of how our Governing Body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

From December 2020 when Halterworth became part of The University of Winchester Academy Trust (UWinAT), our governing body became a Local Academy Committee, working alongside our Trustees who have overall responsibility for the schools in our trust.

Each role within the Local Academy Committee (LAC) is vital in ensuring the strategic direction of the school and the trust.  Local Governors provide valuable support at school level and in assisting the Trust Board in fulfilling their legal duties.  

The Local Academy Committee meet regularly and carry out frequent visits to school in order to monitor school improvement priorities.  

If you would like to contact our Governors, please email governor@halterworth.uwinat.co.uk or call the School Office on 01794 512028 and ask for a call back.




Ben Meehan (Chair)
Development & Training
Julie Bray Headteacher
Luke Kotchie


Finance & Risk



John Quayle


Special Educational Needs

Emma Groves


Health & Safety

Jo Vavasour




Halterworth School has a dedicated team of Governors who are either elected as Parent Governors or Co-Opted Governors. They remain on the Local Academy Committee for a period of four years and may be re-elected if no other candidates come forward.

Vacancies for Governors are communicated through the school to parents. Each governor has a clear role in supporting and holding the school to account, this ensures that Halterworth Governors ‘know their school’ and are able to challenge the school to achieve the very best outcomes for children. They benefit from the support of colleague governors who belong to our other Trust schools, which helps ensure a good level of challenge and support. 

Our Governors  

Ben Meehan - Chair of Governors

 I became a Parent Governor in 2019 and have two children currently at Halterworth.  Working within estates for an NHS Trust, it seemed a good use of my knowledge and experience to take on the role of Health & Safety and Estates Governor in the following year. This role enable me to visit regularly and monitor how the school is keeping our children safe and where they’re opportunities to improve the learning environment. In addition I was appointed the Vice Chair of Governors in September 2022 and have enjoyed the extra responsibility this role has placed on me in these early months.  Despite ferrying my children around to various clubs and activities, I do get some spare time. I share a similar love of running with a couple of my fellow governors and after semi-retirement have returned to playing competitive football, albeit in the Veterans section!

To contact our Chair of Governors please email: governor@halterworth.uwinat.co.uk or telephone the school office on 01794 512028 to ask for a return call.

 Luke Kotchie

 I am a retired derivatives trader with over 20 years experience in the financial markets. Having run businesses across Europe and Asia, I now serve as the finance and risk link governor and take the lead on the monitoring of creativity, teaching, learning, and outcomes. I have two children at Halterworth School. I can be seen regularly about the school listening to children read, helping out with school trips, and sporting events. In my spare time I like to play football, golf, and tennis. I coach children at both Romsey Town Youth Football Club and Romsey Rugby Club.

  John Quayle

I have been a co-opted governor since 2021. I live in Romsey with my wife and three sons, two of which currently attends the school. I am currently employed as an IT manager for a global insurance firm and find that the governor role provides a very different challenge to that of my day job. Outside of work, I am a keen runner and a member of Romsey Road Runners, trying to get out two or three times a week. I also enjoy watching sport, in particular football and rugby union. I also enjoy live music.

 Emma Groves

I became a parent Governor in October 2023. I have a son who currently attends Halterworth so feel hugely invested in the school and it’s future. My aim is to be an advocate for Parents to ensure our children have the best possible education in ways that encourage them to thrive and develop. Outside of governing I work in food retail. I am a real foodie! I also love travelling and exploring the great outdoors with family and friends. 

 Joe Vavasour

 A father of three, I have been a Governor at Halterworth school since January 2024 when I was co-opted.  I have two children at Halterworth and having seen how they have flourished there, wanted to support the school and its leadership going forward.  My working life is spent in the technology sector, specifically in software development where I am tasked with finding appropriate, elegant solutions for businesses ranging from small to multi-national.  In my spare time I love music, cinema, and reading.  Despite working in software development, I retain a passion for technology and programming which keeps me learning.

 Governor Attendance 2023-24

Register of Pecuniary Interests Sep 24Hampshire County Council Governor Services

Governor Report Form

Governor Visits to School Policy