The PSHE Association describes Personal, social and health education as giving pupils the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves health and safe, preparing them for life and work in modern Britain. It teaches pupils about transferable skills including self awareness, empathy, communication and teamwork, supports pupils in their wellbeing and helps them to manage issues which could affect their ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhappy relationships.
By the end of their time in Key Stage 2, our aim is that children will be able to demonstrate that they recognise their own worth and that of others, to express their views confidently and listen to and show respect for the views of others. They will be able to identify positive ways to face new challenges, discuss changes they will go through and demonstrate some ways of dealing with these in a positive way. They will explain how they will develop skills to work in the future and make choices about how to develop healthy lifestyles for body and mind. They will make judgements and decisions, list ways of resisting negative peer pressure and explain how to manage risks in different familiar situations.
Children will be able to explain how their actions have consequences for themselves and others. They will be able to describe the nature and consequences of bullying, and express ways of responding to it. They will be able to respond to negative behaviours such as stereotyping and aggression and demonstrate respect and tolerance towards people different from themselves.
The benefits for pupils from PSHE education are relevant both now and in the future. Knowledge and skills such as being able to sustain healthy & safe relationships, establishing a good sense of self awareness, together with an ability to manage risk, experience change and communicate effectively are helpful for pupils being able to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. It will help children to manage many significant opportunities and challenges they will face growing up.