Children will leave Halterworth with a range of science skills, which will ensure they can continue to build on their solid understanding of scientific concepts throughout their lives.
We promote a passion for science, which will allow children to be inspired by science in the wider world and develop a questioning approach, thus operating successfully as scientists.
Science learning is carefully mapped and builds on previous learning. It is a mixture of discretely taught units and some cross-curricular links.
The use of an enquiry based approach, including how to ask, investigate and answer questions, alongside the teaching of knowledge provides rich opportunities for collaborative working and for children to show resilience as science is as much about finding out what does not work as what does. A systematic and organised way of thinking and working comes from an involvement in investigative and enquiry based work. The practical investigational work involves children choosing equipment, making predictions, testing hypotheses and drawing conclusions. These activities will lead to an increased understanding of fair testing and variables and are transferable learning skills across other subjects.
The overall aim is to ensure that all children within Halterworth Primary School receive high quality science provision which is meaningful and contextualised. At Halterworth, links with industry and outside agencies, such as Southampton University and local secondary schools, are made as often as possible to enrich learning.
There are a variety of science focused school trips including visiting zoos, aquariums and residential visits includes elements of science, such as animal classification. Science Club and Gardening Club promote further opportunities for science out of class. Our fantastic School grounds are utilised as much as possible to support learning.