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Halterworth Primary School


Physical Education


At Halterworth, we aim for all pupils to leave school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

We are aware that opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. We promote a passion for P.E and celebrate the success as well as participation both within and out of school.

P.E. is carefully mapped and builds on previous learning. The curriculum focuses on skill based learning and teaches the children how they can apply those skills to different activities. Our P.E. curriculum encompasses a number of outdoor sports, adventurous activities as well as gymnastics, dance, swimming, cycling and orienteering. At Halterworth, we believe competition is important and children will have the opportunity to compete against their peers. There are plenty of opportunities for children to represent the school in competitions as part of the Mountbatten School Sports Partnership and we endeavour to ensure that, if a child wants to, they will have the chance to represent the school in a sport. We ensure that children work on improving on their personal best, taking part regularly within ‘Active Mile’ initiative as a whole school, at least three times per week also facilitates this. Children are given plenty of opportunities to exercise throughout the school day with the use of the MUGA (multi use games area), pick-up sticks, adventure playgrounds, outside gym. We are fortunate to have a large field and playgrounds.
To further develop progression and participation in P.E, Halterworth pupils are given the opportunity to learn a wide range of sport based skills in before and after school clubs. There is a wide variety of clubs on offer.

P.E is an integral part of daily life at Halterworth, within the classroom and beyond. Its positive effects upon the well-being of pupils is both recognised and celebrated.
We ensure that children leave Halterworth having been introduced to a range of sports and are ready to live a healthy and sporting life. Children will become physically confident in a way, which supports their health fitness and well-being for the future.

PE curriculum information