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Halterworth Primary School


Attendance & Absence

Absence and Reporting

If your child is unable to attend school, please contact the school office to report their absence.  

You can phone (01794 512028) and leave us a message or send us an email (schooloffice@halterworth.uwinat.co.uk)  

Please include your child's name, class and the reason for absence.  

As a safety measure, we will need to telephone and/or email all contacts if a child is not at school and their absence hasn't been reported.



These links to the NHS provides valuable information about common illnesses in children and how long the NHS recommend children to stay off school.  One of the most common reminders that we have to make to parents/carers is the 48 hour rule after sickness or diarrhoea.  Your child must remain off school 48 hours after the last episode. Please do these links as a point of reference:

Cnn my child go to school today?

Is my child too ill for school? (NHS)

Absence request forms

For any period of planned absence, you will need to print off the form below, fill it in and return it to the school office.  Alternatively, the school office hold copies if you do not have access to a printer.

As per our Attendance policy (which can be found in full at the bottom of this page):

Request for Leave of Absence:

Amendments to school attendance regulations were updated and enforced from September 2013: (Pupil registration) (England) regulations state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. It is important to note that Headteachers can determine the length of the authorised absence as well as whether absence is authorised at all. The fundamental principles for defining ‘exceptional’ are rare, significant, or unavoidable which means the event could not reasonably be scheduled at another time. There are no rules on this as circumstances vary from school to school and family to family. There is however, no legal entitlement for time off in school time to go on holiday and in the majority of cases holiday will not be authorised. Parents/Carers wishing to apply for leave of absence need to fill in an application form (available from the school office) in advance and before making any travel arrangements.

If term time leave is taken without prior permission from the school, the absence will be unauthorised and if the number of sessions absent hits the thresholds set down in Hampshire’s Code of Conduct parent/carers will be issued with a fixed-penalty fine, or other legal action in accordance the code (see section 6 for detail).

Taking holidays in term time will affect your child’s schooling as much as any other absence and we expect parents to help us by not taking children out during school time.

 Halterworth Attendance Policy 2024/25