P.E. & Sport
Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
At Halterworth we strive to ensure that all children are physically confident and are inspired to continue with sporting activities as they become young adults. We understand that a child needs to be taught balance, coordination, core movements and agility in order to achieve and succeed in sport. We ensure that all children are learning these key skills throughout their time at Halterworth.
In the Foundation Stage (Year R) the children learn core skills and how to work as a team. As they progress through the school into KS1 they learn how to master these skills within number of different sports and activities.
Throughout KS2 children continue to develop these skills within primary adapted sports such as netball, football, tag rugby and cricket etc. We strongly believe that through competition, both within school (Level 1) and between other local schools (Level 2 and 3), our children have an opportunity to showcase their talents and learn more about the dynamics of participation in sport.
Our playtimes are designed to encourage 'active play', facilitating greater levels of health and fitness.
how will children be selected for competitions and teams?
Throughout their time at Halterworth, children will have a number of opportunities to represent the school. For competitions, children will need to be committed to trainings and will be selected considering their effort, skills and improvement. When we are able to take more than one team, every child attending the club will be offered a place before selecting other children who may attend clubs outside of school but do not participate in school sports clubs (if necessary).
Information about Primary Sports Funding
PE funding table-24-25PE funding table 23-24-reviewed