Forest School
Our children are the future guardians of our plants, it is therefore vital that we teach them how to look after and appreciate our world. Being outside is also proven to have a positive impact on children's physical and emotional health and wellbeing.
We are very lucky to have our own, purpose built Forest School at Halterworth. All of our children access Forest School learning once a fortnight as part of our wider curriculum offering.
The intention of Forest School at Halterworth is to provide every child with the opportunity to enjoy being outside in all seasons, to experience activities they may not necessarily be exposed to within the classroom, and to provide a space away from, but alongside, the curriculum to allow children to holistically develop and mature at their own pace.
At Halterworth, the children will experience a wide range of activities, that will include fire striking and lighting, learning how to use a wide range of tools safely (saw, mallet, drill etc), den building, digging, basic campfire cooking and learning that directly relates to other curriculum subjects.
The children will also be involved in learning about and promoting ecology on the site, and increasing the number of animals, insects and wildlife in our environment. They will learn how to identify some of the key trees and flowers on the site, and help promote biodiversity by planting trees and seeds, and creating places for animals for live in birdboxes, hedgehog house and bug hotels.
What do I need to know?
Forest School will run in almost any weather conditions – the exception being in high wind and thunder storms. There are significant learning opportunities to be enjoyed in all weather conditions, including, the very wet and the very cold.
The school will provide, as a minimum, waterproof trousers for every child. Some coats are available to be used, but we ask that all children are sent to school with a waterproof coat, that will be suitable for the weather.
Forest School sessions are run with high, adult – child ratios to allow children to experience elements of ‘risky play’ and risk.
Sessions will last for around two hours and will occur once every two weeks for each child.
Forest School sessions will always be run by a fully qualified Forest School Practitioner.
All children will need to wear plenty of layers on their Forest School day as this is more effective than one thick coat.
Packing spare clothes, such as socks, is advised in case the children’s feet get wet.